The only way to learn more vocabulary is by exposing yourself to new words and phrases. But what does that mean and how do you do that? You need to put yourself in situations where you are going to hear and see them. There are many ways you can do this, but here is one suggestion that you may not have thought of before: children’s books!
Why children’s books?
Texts and sentences are shorter and usually quite simple, so reading is easier.
They often have a lot of colourful images and little bits of text, so they are particularly great for people who are visual or read/write learners (for more information about learner styles, go the study skills section of my website!)
What book should I choose?
You can find books on any topics and for any level of learner. I recommend reference books if you want to learn vocabulary about a specific topic, such as space or the arts. Although they are written for young people, the subjects are serious, so they aren't babyish.
If you’re studying for IELTS, reference books are good because you will also find plenty of vocabulary that appears on the Academic Word List and gain a solid background knowledge of the subject, too.
If you have seen my Instagram recently (englishsarauk – follow me!), you will know I have been reading children’s books. I do this so that I can find short texts full of useful words and phrases to create new materials for this website, in order to help you develop your vocabulary on specific topics. I enjoy doing this, because I learn a lot too!
Here are some books that I've recently added to my collection or borrowed from the library.

I am particularly interested in geography, nature, learning about different countries and cultures, adventures, travel, art and language, so I like to read anything on those topics. What kind of subjects interest you? What areas of your vocabulary need improving?
Lastly, as you know, I live in England so it's easy for me to get them from bookshops or pop down to the library and borrow some, but if you don't live in an English speaking country, you could order books online or visit websites such as:
If you know of any good links, please share them below!